
How Event Venues Can Create an Effective Know-Before-You-Go Email


According to a report by ZeroBounce, 88% of people check their email at least once a day, making it an ideal medium for event venues to communicate details for upcoming events.

When done right, know-before-you-go emails prepare event attendees for what to expect when they arrive at the event. This can help eliminate or minimize confusion, foster efficiency and create a better overall experience, which can help bolster your venue’s reputation as a premier event location among organizers and attendees.

Following are some tips of what to include in your event venue’s know-before-you-go e-blasts and email communications.

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How Municipalities Can Use TownSq for Community Outreach


Municipalities looking for new ways to enhance community outreach may consider using TownSq, an online software platform and mobile app designed to keep communities informed. While TownSq has traditionally been used by management companies, boards and homeowners, it has not yet been implemented by a municipality. However, the TownSq team is open to exploring how the platform can support municipal communication needs.

Here is how municipalities can use TownSq for community outreach, once the platform allows access to municipalities:

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Welcome Susannah!

Introducing Susannah Radick, Revelation’s spring intern. A native of New York State, Susannah is a senior in the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism program. Her experience includes working at a PR firm and at The Badger Herald.