How Hospitality Companies can Track Competitors’ Paid Ads


According to Statista, the travel industry is expected to spend more than $4.5 billion on digital advertising in the United States. In addition, 82% of restaurants in the United States use social media as part of their marketing strategy, which includes boosts and paid ads. 

To stay competitive, hospitality businesses should monitor how their competitors use sponsored content to reach potential guests, including which platforms and the type of media they use.

Following are some ways your hotel or restaurant can track competitors’ paid ads.  

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8 Tips for Entertainment Venues to Use Facebook Messenger


Facebook Messenger app logo

According to surveys from Facebook, 69% of users in the United States communicate with businesses through messaging apps like Facebook Messenger. What’s more, the majority of respondents say being able to message a business helps them feel more confident about the brand. 

Additional insights from Facebook Messenger show that “local entertainment” is among the top industries that use the platform to connect with their customer base. If your entertainment venue isn’t using Facebook Messenger, it should be–especially since your competition is. 

Following are some ways you can make Facebook Messenger work for your entertainment venue. 

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How to Create Retargeting Ads in Facebook


According to a social media marketing industry report, Facebook is the No. 1 advertising channel for both B2B and B2C companies. This makes sense considering close to 70 percent of U.S. adults use the social media platform. 

Facebook retargeting ads can amplify your message by positioning your brand in front of people who already have some familiarity with your company or product. Plus, their average click-through-rate is about 10 times higher than a cold campaign.

If you’re unfamiliar, Facebook can show ads to individuals who’ve interacted with your website, keeping your message top-of-mind.

Following are some tips on how to set up Facebook retargeting ads for your business.

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