What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part III


In the words of Warren Buffett, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and fives minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Practicing proper food safety, including restaurant sanitation, is essential to keeping your reputation intact (and preventing illnesses).

Take Chipotle’s four–yes four–incidents of food safety. From 2015 to now, the fast-food restaurant has been hit with crises ranging from multiple foodborne illnesses to E. coli. Due to these crises, Chipotle has taken a major hit not only in its stock (down 23 percent in 2017), but customers have a lingering fear of eating there. Some of the chain’s struggles can be blamed on social media, with some instances of misinformation about the crises.

Here is how to handle a social media crisis related to food safety and rebuild your restaurant’s reputation. Continue reading “What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part III”

How to Identify and Minimize Reputation Risks


group meetingImagine you are the captain of a ship trying to transport precious cargo from one port to another. Any number of internal or external risks–such as a bad storm, mutiny, pirate attack or leak–could compromise your trip. You would be wise to avoid these risks.

Likewise, your hospital would be wise to avoid internal and external risks, which can negatively affect your reputation. That, in turn, could affect your ability to do business–for example, it may be difficult to attract patients and talent.

Here’s how to identify your hospital’s reputation risks and minimize them. Continue reading “How to Identify and Minimize Reputation Risks”

What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part II


According to the American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer, Americans tell an average of 15 people about a poor service experience vs. the 11 people they’ll tell about a good experience. Service issues in the restaurant industry, like a poor greeting, long waits and inattentive servers, can make their way online in a form of a negative review on social media sites.

In April, a supper club in northern Wisconsin received numerous one-star reviews on Yelp and Google from a person claiming they had bad service and was billed incorrectly. The restaurant also responded to emails from the customer and offered a future complimentary meal, but the customer wouldn’t accept any apology and declined all offers.

Here is how to handle a social media crisis and rebuild your restaurant’s reputation. Continue reading “What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part II”