
How B2B Companies Can Use AI-Generated Campaigns in LinkedIn


It is becoming common practice for B2B companies to use AI tools to help streamline their operations, save time or allocate more time to priority projects and initiatives. In fact, the 2024 Work Trend Index report from Microsoft and LinkedIn reports that 90% of workers who use AI say it helps them save time, while 85% report it helps them focus on more important tasks and 84% say it allows them to be more creative.

LinkedIn has its own set of AI tools your B2B business can use to create organic and paid campaigns that resonate with your target audiences.

Following are some tips on how your B2B company can use AI-generated campaigns in LinkedIn.

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How Municipalities Can Use AI for Stakeholder Meetings


When municipalities are in the process of implementing a new initiative, it’s important they gather community feedback. One of the ways to do that is by hosting various stakeholder meetings. Stakeholders are groups of people that hold clout within the community (e.g., school administration, elected officials, EMS/Fire departments, etc.).

Using artificial intelligence can help when preparing for the meeting, during the meeting and after the meeting. Here’s how:

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When PR Has to Do the Job of Customer Service

customer serviceI find SOS columns interesting–and not because of the plight of the person seeking help. For those who are not familiar, SOS columns feature everyday citizens who need assistance in resolving their issues, which typically include not receiving a service for which they paid or not receiving a refund that’s owed to them.

These citizens talk to customer service reps, supervisors and managers and still hit a dead end. It’s only after the SOS reporter calls the company and talks to the media rep that the situation gets resolved. Continue reading “When PR Has to Do the Job of Customer Service”