What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part I


RestaurantA study by SDL shows that four out of five customers would walk away from a brand and never give it another chance after experiencing a major issue. Consumers don’t just want great food, they want to believe a restaurant shares their values, treats workers fairly and conducts business ethically.

In April, Gib’s, a cocktail bar in Madison, Wis., came under a social media firestorm after an email exchange between a manager and former employee went public. When the former employee asked for a W-2 form to be emailed to her, the manager sent her a file named “dumb bitch.pdf.” The employee then emailed the owner about her treatment, and the owner sent her a profanity-laced, derogatory email. To make matters worse, a month after this incident, the owner reinstated the manager without giving the current staff a heads-up, causing some of them to quit.

Here is how to handle a social media crisis and rebuild your restaurant’s reputation. Continue reading “What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part I”

How to Set up Instagram Video Ads for Your Hotel


InstagramAccording to Statista, Instagram has 500 million daily users. More specifically, Instagram announced last year that users older than 25 years old spend an average of more than 24 min. on it each day.

Like other social media platforms, Instagram offers advertising features to help you reach potential guests that you aren’t reaching organically. Here is how to set up Instagram video ads for your hotel, resort or bed & breakfast. Continue reading “How to Set up Instagram Video Ads for Your Hotel”

How to Develop a Messaging Strategy for Your Health Tech Startup


talking pointsThe average attention span is down from 12 sec. in the year 2000 to now eight seconds, according to a BBC News article.

With that in mind, as an entrepreneur, being able to ace your “elevator pitch” in that average attention span timeframe will help move your startup’s business forward (e.g. gain funding, attract investors). The goal is to be able to efficiently and effectively answer the question, “what does your company do?” Ultimately, your key messages are the foundation that your startup’s value rests on.

Here are tips on how to develop a messaging strategy for your health tech startup. Continue reading “How to Develop a Messaging Strategy for Your Health Tech Startup”