Best PR Practices for New Developments



Proposed developments–including residential, commercial, mixed-use, stadiums and arenas–are monumental public relations projects. That’s because they require:

  • Working with many stakeholders such as residents, neighborhood associations, coalitions, businesses, elected officials and regulators;
  • Conducting public outreach through open houses, town hall meetings and small group meetings;
  • Changing public opinion through editorials, letters-to-the-editor, testimonials; and
  • Fighting misinformation using media relations, your website and social media.

Using our unique #HeartOverHead approach, here are best practices to help you get your development approved. Continue reading “Best PR Practices for New Developments”

How AEC Marketers Can Use Pinterest

pinterestPinterest is one of the fastest growing social media sites. In January 2012, Pinterest became the fastest site in history to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark. The following month it broke into the top 30 websites in the country.

An increasing number of companies are turning to Pinterest to engage with their fans and ultimately drive traffic to their sites. Pinterest allows companies to create a visual representation of their brand by “pinning” content from around the web while integrating pins of their own products as well.

So how can AEC marketers use Pinterest? Here are some of the tips we came up with:

  • Pin photos of your firm’s buildings, designs, projects, etc.
  • Make sure to balance your firm’s photos with photos from other websites and blogs. Your pinboards are not supposed to be used solely for self-promotion.
  • If your company has a blog, make sure to pin any relevant images from the blog onto your pinboards. When users click on these images, they’ll be redirected straight to your blog.
  • Create other pinboards to keep track of inspirational photos, products you use and like, products you’d like to check out, materials, etc.
  • Add a full description of your company to the top of your page and include links to your other social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Most importantly, make your pinboards fun and visually appealing!

Rowland Broughton-Architecture in Aspen, Colo., has a great Pinterest account to check out: Notice the ample categories, the stunning, high-quality photos and the lack of (obvious) self-promotion.

For a good example of what NOT to do, take a look at Hammers Construction’s account: Notice how the company has only pinned photos of buildings it has made without integrating any outside media sources into its site, plus it didn’t categorize the photos.

For AEC marketers, Pinterest also has the opportunity to change the way you exchange ideas with your clients. The site is rumored to be adding private pinboards that are not available for the public to see in the very near future. This will allow you and your client to create private pinboards to exchange ideas and inspiration for current projects.

With a little bit of creativity and planning, Pinterest can be a great tool for promoting your company. Get out there and start pinning!

— This post was also published on the SMPS Wisconsin website.