How Hospitality Businesses Can Use Meta AI to Enhance Content


According to Statista, the global market size and revenue for artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to exceed $735 billion by 2030.

In the past few years alone, we have seen a dramatic increase in AI-powered tools for existing marketing platforms such as email marketing software, design programs and social media. Meta is no exception, as it has introduced various new AI tools that are designed to help businesses enhance their organic and paid social media content.

Following are some tips on how your hospitality business can use Meta’s AI tools.


Built with Meta Llama 3, Meta AI is designed to be an intelligent assistant that works with various Meta products, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger.

Use the generative AI tools to help create text for your posts. For instance, you can type “Write a social media post about summer in [your city]?” and Meta AI will generate a post with hashtags and emojis. You can then copy it into Facebook, Instagram or Meta Business Suite to post. You also can rate the result as a “good response” or “bad response” to help Meta AI improve.

In most cases, you should be specific with your instructions to give the tool more context about what you are looking for. For example, instead of telling Meta AI to simply write a post, you can specify the tone you’re looking for, such as funny or serious, to better match the voice of your brand.

You also can take things a step further by telling Meta AI to pull content from your website or specific sources to create a post. A restaurant marketer, for instance, could tell Meta AI to write a post about a specific menu item and provide the link to the menu as a reference. Meanwhile, hotels and resorts can use Meta AI to come up with weekend itineraries for hotel guests or write posts that showcase 5-star reviews they received on Google.

Like other AI tools, it can take some practice to learn how to make the tool work for your specific business. Even if the text isn’t post-worthy when you first start, you can still use it as a starting point or for inspiration.

Meta AI keeps a history of your inquiries (called conversations), which can help you organize your thoughts or revisit topics in the future.


Another powerful feature of Meta AI is its ability to generate images. Either ask a question in the “Ask Meta AI anything” box or go to the “Imagine” section of the tool. You can ask Meta AI to create images or graphics you need for your social media posts or to design new content, such as a logo for a new theme park attraction or amenity for your business.

Once again, make sure to be specific with your requests (e.g., use real photos or use XYZ colors). You also should experiment with the prompts provided, such as “Illustrate” or “Design” to see how that changes the look of the image.

Meta AI will provide four versions of creative to start. From there, you can ask it to make edits, such as changing the color scheme or providing further direction about the image you’d like to use. Meta AI will then show you new versions.

Continue to do this until you find one that best aligns with what you imagined. You will still be able to access the previous versions, and you can download the images at any time.

If you’d like to add some movement, Meta AI has a limited animation feature that can bring the image to life. It is only a few seconds long, so it should not replace your video content.

Of note, Meta AI currently only creates square images. It is not ideal for some content forms, such as Facebook event images, Stories or Reels. Still, the tool can help save you time or fill in gaps for visual content.


Meta also has AI tools hospitality marketers can use for their paid ads, which can help streamline or optimize campaign development. Start by selecting your goal (e.g., traffic) and selecting the option that uses Advantage+.

This option includes settings Meta feels are best for your business based on your previous campaigns. For instance, it can help set a campaign spending limit or create an ideal audience. You have the option to change these settings at any time, so there is still freedom to make adjustments.

The bulk of the AI features are included at the ad level of the campaign. When you upload your image or video, you will see various Advantage+ creative enhancements that you can apply. For instance, you can add music, enable the “Visual touch-ups” feature to vary the aspect ratio for different ad placements or turn on “Text improvements” to allow Meta to use any text you enter as the primary text, headline or description.

While these types of AI features are designed to optimize your ads, it is important to only use the ones that align with your goals or creative look. As an example, you wouldn’t want to vary the aspect ratio of your video if it could result in text getting cut off.

Meta Advantage+ also offers suggested alternatives for the primary text and headlines for your ad. You can add up to five of each, so you could test some of the recommendations against your own copy to see which performs the best. You also can tweak the language of the AI-generated recommendations to better align with your hospitality brand.

Advantage+ creative enhancements and AI text suggestions are also available for campaigns that are created manually, so you can continue to use that method if you prefer.