Nine Ways to Improve Inclusivity at Public Involvement Meetings

When an organization or municipality is tasked with a project that will affect the public, public participation is crucial to its success. Hosting public involvement meetings is a typical approach to engaging stakeholders.

With that said, during these meetings, it’s important to approach it through a lens of inclusivity. Here are nine ways to improve inclusivity at your next public involvement meeting:

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How a Municipality Should Communicate About a Wild Animal on the Loose

Earlier this year, a black bear was spotted in Madison, Wis., creating quite a media buzz around the community. This situation of a loose wild animal is just one crisis that any municipality can encounter.

It’s important for the municipality to be ready to communicate early and often with residents. Remember that at the end of the day, the goal is to ensure the safety and protection of the community.

Here are crisis communication steps that municipalities can take to effectively communicate to their internal and external publics.

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