Working with Diverse Populations


Image courtesy of jscreationzs at
Image courtesy of jscreationzs at

Is your hospital or clinic providing the highest quality care to every patient regardless of race, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, culture or language proficiency?

A report on cultural competence concluded that “a framework of organizational, structural and clinical cultural competence interventions can facilitate the elimination of these disparities and improve care for all Americans.”

Following are tips for how your hospital staff can work with diverse populations, whether internally or as part of community relations campaigns. Continue reading “Working with Diverse Populations”

How Hospitals Can Measure Internal Communication Efforts


Does your hospital have effective internal communication? It can help increase your employees’ job satisfaction, productivity, commitment, engagement and morale. Like any other communication effort, internal ones should be measured–in this case, it’s important to focus on outputs and outcomes.

Continue reading “How Hospitals Can Measure Internal Communication Efforts”