What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part II


According to the American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer, Americans tell an average of 15 people about a poor service experience vs. the 11 people they’ll tell about a good experience. Service issues in the restaurant industry, like a poor greeting, long waits and inattentive servers, can make their way online in a form of a negative review on social media sites.

In April, a supper club in northern Wisconsin received numerous one-star reviews on Yelp and Google from a person claiming they had bad service and was billed incorrectly. The restaurant also responded to emails from the customer and offered a future complimentary meal, but the customer wouldn’t accept any apology and declined all offers.

Here is how to handle a social media crisis and rebuild your restaurant’s reputation. Continue reading “What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part II”

How to Measure the Efforts of a Reputation Management Campaign


If you’re implementing or planning on implementing a reputation management campaign, you know it can help your hospital avoid a loss of brand value, a regulatory investigation and/or a loss of patients. Citing these facts is how you get CEO buy-in for your campaign.

Like any PR, branding or marketing campaign, the reputation management campaign needs to have key performance indicators. No matter the type of facility–including academic medical centers, clinics, VAs and community hospitals–here’s how to measure the efforts of your hospital’s reputation management campaign. Continue reading “How to Measure the Efforts of a Reputation Management Campaign”

The Importance of Restaurant Communications


David’s Jamaican, a restaurant in Monona, Wis., was planning to move to a new location. However, it didn’t announce the move to customers, and when the restaurant temporarily closed, many people thought it had suddenly closed for good.

On top of that, when the restaurant did finally reemerge in the new location, it didn’t bother to announce that it had reopened.

All the confusion, worry and speculation could have been avoided had the restaurant communicated its plans. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you plan to move your restaurant. Continue reading “The Importance of Restaurant Communications”