How to Get Approval of Your Development in Madison


In the City of Madison, development proposals that follow permitted land uses do not require any type of public review. On the other hand, development proposals such as subdivisions, rezonings or conditional uses require “consistency with adopted plans, review by several City departments, a public hearing and involve neighborhood input.”

It’s important to note the requirement for neighborhood input, as overlooking this step can spell doom for your proposal in Madison. That’s because, according to the City, “neighborhood associations are organized groups and … are likely to be the strongest community voice on a project within the neighborhood.” In other words, they can be your supporters, or they can be your opponents.

Here’s how to get approval of your proposed development in Madison, Wis. Continue reading “How to Get Approval of Your Development in Madison”

What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part IV


Social media makes it easy, unfortunately, for employees to broadcast their opinions. In the restaurant industry, you never know when one disgruntled server, cook or bartender can bring massive unwanted public attention to your brand.

Here is how to handle a social media crisis related to a rogue employee and rebuild your restaurant’s reputation. Continue reading “What Restaurants Should do in a Social Media Crisis, Part IV”

How to Implement a Reputation Management Campaign


According to a global risk and business consulting firm, a strong culture of responsible business behavior can contribute to lowering costs, increasing effectiveness and sustaining reputation during times of trouble. That means reputation management should not be limited to the communications department of your hospital.

Assuming you have CEO buy-in, here’s how to implement a reputation management campaign for your hospital, clinic or health system. Continue reading “How to Implement a Reputation Management Campaign”