Five Tips for Making a Smooth Leadership Transition

Businessman's outstretched arm passing a flaming torch to another businessman's open hand

Change is inevitable. When your hospital has a new CEO or president, the communications department has an important role in the leadership transition. Here are five tips for making it go as smoothly as possible.

  1. Be open during the hiring process. You don’t have to release names of candidates, but you should include updates on the hiring process on the intranet site or in weekly emails to hospital staff. This gives them a sense of inclusion and helps to remove uncertainty.
  2. Get the new leader up-to-speed. Give your hospital’s new CEO or president a top-level summary about any ongoing branding/marketing campaigns, and present a copy of your crisis communications plan.
  3. Plan meetings for the new CEO to meet with individuals in the hospital’s external and internal network. This can be stakeholders, community leaders and each department in the hospital. Your staff should conduct media training with the CEO and then set up interviews with local media, too.
  4. Have CEO share vision with hospital staff. You should write a welcome letter on behalf of the CEO and/or plan numerous meet-and-greet sessions, including shifts outside 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Also, consider hosting a Facebook Live chat with questions from hospital staff.
  5. Establish a communications protocol. Every leader has their own preferences. Don’t expect the new CEO to accept your procedures for handling media requests, etc. Find the right balance between making your recommendations and accepting your new CEO’s.


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Using Augmented Reality to Enhance Guest Experience


3D-augmented-reality-playmearAccording to Mashable, augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video graphics or GPS data.

Here are a few ways to use augmented reality in your hotel and enhance your guests’ experiences.


It should be no surprise that a study found that prospective guests want to know the features of a room during their decision-making process. Use AR to make guests feel like they’ve personally visited the property and seen the rooms and amenities from their mobile or desktop device.

Just by pointing your device in a certain way, potential guests can picture themselves sitting at the hotel bar or lobby lounge. If they point the device in a different direction, guests can read reviews and recommendations.

A campaign by Marriott gives its guests the opportunity to “travel the world” through virtual reality glasses.


Augmented reality can help hotels improve customer’s convenience, including allowing guests to find their room easily by following a set of arrows on their phone or telling guests when their room was last cleaned.

Here’s another idea: each guest room in the hotel includes a wall map of the surrounding area. If the guest points their device at the wall, they can receive information about things to do around the area.

AR also can be used in other places in the hotel, including the fitness center. Add a screen to the treadmill so guests feel like they’re running on a beach, or put a screen on the stationary bike so guests can compete in the Tour de France.


Revelation PR, Advertising & Social Media offers hotels, B&Bs and resorts services related to media relations, community relations, branding, group sales, SEO/SEM and social media management. Please contact Brian Lee, brian [at] or 608-622-7767.

How Hospitals Should Handle a Cybersecurity Breach

CybersecurityDoes your hospital have a cybersecurity crisis management plan? According to the 2015 Data Breach Industry Forecast, data breaches cost the healthcare industry $5.6 billion each year. Having a plan could be the difference between a costly and time-consuming ordeal that hurts your reputation or having your valuable information saved.

Your communications team should establish clear protocols for departments to report security breaches to top management. When putting together the protocols, think about answering the following questions: What level of information is at risk? How many people are affected? What steps should be taken to secure remaining data?

Another important step is monitoring the media (traditional or social). You also should keep a running spreadsheet to share with management. If reporters contact your hospital, respond promptly (e.g. acknowledge you received request).

Once the cybersecurity plan is completed, you should add it to your overall crisis communications plan and keep it updated every quarter. Having this plan in place also can be a talking point to patients to reassure them that the hospital is doing everything it can to protect against and mitigate a breach.


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