How to Use PR to Attract Investors


As a startup, you need to tell people about your company, and that includes customers, partners, vendors and investors. Use public relations to grow your business and create a consistent brand message that investors can trust, then eventually fund. 

Here are three ways to use PR to attract investors.


When creating your startup marketing campaign, rather than talking about the bells and whistles of your product or service, focus on why it matters to your customers. This is your point of differentiation that potential investors want to hear. To accomplish this, you need to create messages that are broad and value-based, NOT specific and featured-based.

  • Example of specific and feature-based message: We sell workout gear for people that do yoga. 
  • Example of broad and value-based message: We specialize in making activewear that boosts confidence. 

With enough practice, you will become a natural at using these key messages when talking about your startup. Keep in mind that the goal is to not sound rehearsed. 


Positioning yourself as an expert will help attract investors. Think about it, the more times a potential investor sees you/your business in the media, the higher the chances they will be interested. Employ tactics such as speaking opportunities (at the local and national level), guest articles in targeted publications (e.g. TechCrunch, Entrepreneur), podcasts and TV interviews about trending topics.

Once you get coverage, be sure to amplify it. For example, include a link to your TV interview in your e-newsletter, your personal/company LinkedIn page and your company blog. 


Often a reporter will come to your website to dig up background information. Create a media kit that includes items like company news (e.g. press releases or media coverage), case studies and background (e.g. funding so far). 

Also, include your company’s boilerplate (e.g. small paragraph about the company), media contact and social media accounts, and have downloadable digital assets (e.g. logo, team headshots, etc.) and a list of prominent and recognizable customers on the website. 

Your job is to make it easier for reporters to write about your company. And the more media coverage you get, the more investors you can attract.