How to Use Facebook as You Open Your Hotel


Facebook mobile appAccording to Statista, Facebook remains the most popular social media app in the United States, with approximately 50 percent of the population actively using the platform each month.

A 2016 survey, also conducted by Statista, revealed that 47 percent of respondents recommend local businesses through Facebook, second only to word-of-mouth recommendations.

Facebook is a powerful marketing tool that can help your property reach potential guests and build a community of supporters. Following are some tips on how to use Facebook for your new hotel, resort or bed & breakfast to generate awareness and buzz prior to your grand opening.


A complete “About” section is essential for gaining new followers. Facebook users will want to learn more about your hotel before deciding to like your page. Include your contact information, amenities, restaurant hours, usernames for other social media accounts and a description of your property.

A call-to-action button is another feature you should enable on your business page. For example, you could include a “Book Now” button that takes users directly to the reservation page of your website or a “Call Now” button to help generate direct phone calls.


It takes time to gain followers on Facebook organically. Speed up the process by running Facebook ads to reach more people and generate awareness about your new hotel. For instance, engagement campaigns are designed to help your hotel get more page likes or increase engagement with your posts.

You also can promote your property locally to gain likes from area residents, who could help fill your event space or generate recommendations for out-of-town guests. Other options include creating an offer, such as “20 percent off your first stay,” or running a brand awareness campaign to reach people who are most likely to be interested in your hotel.

Tag the Facebook pages of other local businesses in your posts to help strengthen your Facebook presence. In turn, these businesses may share your content, thus extending your reach. You can take this one step further by teaming up with businesses in your area to cross-promote content.

For example, you could partner with a local bakery or coffee shop to provide refreshments for your grand opening event. You would then create a post tagging and thanking the business for providing the refreshments. Reciprocally, they would tag your hotel in a post mentioning how excited they are to be a part of your grand opening. This type of cross-promotion is mutually beneficial, as it increases exposure for both parties.


Visual content has become a requirement for establishing a strong online presence and is 40 times more likely to get shared on social media compared to other types of content. In-house photos and videos should be used whenever possible.

In the early stages, you should post news about your hotel, photos or videos of the construction process, images of floor plans or unique features and grand opening teasers. Posting photos or a video tour of finished areas is another way to help generate engagement and create excitement about your hotel.

Spread the word about your grand opening by creating a Facebook event. Include a photo of your hotel, the location, the date (or dates if you plan to have a grand opening weekend or week) and a description with additional details. Invite existing contacts or promote the event to reach more people, and post in the event discussion to help keep interested parties engaged. Those “interested” or “going” will receive notifications and reminders as the grand opening approaches.

Posts introducing your staff can help humanize your hotel. Share a photo of each member of your customer-facing staff members, include his or her title and contributions to the guest experience and share his or her favorite destination in the area.