How to Promote Hospitality Jobs on Facebook Now That the Jobs Feature is Gone


Front desk hospitality jobHotels and resorts often turn to social media to spread the word about their available job opportunities. Until recently, many hospitality businesses had been using Jobs on Facebook to help attract potential candidates.

The Meta product allowed businesses to post a complete job listing to their page, which was located in a dedicated jobs tab and findable in Facebook’s jobs browser. Meta discontinued Jobs on Facebook earlier this year, but you can still use Facebook to attract talent.

Following are some ways you can use Facebook to promote hospitality jobs for your business.


Highlight your open positions by posting them to your hotel or resort social media page. You can do this in a couple of ways.

First, you can post a specific job opening, with detailed information like the job title (e.g., front desk agent, F&B director), required hours, compensation, responsibilities, benefits and more, and then link it to a corresponding landing page on your website. You also could publish a more general post that talks about your company culture or showcases your facilities and include a link to your hiring portal if you wish to promote multiple open positions at once, or if you are always accepting applicants.

In either scenario, you should include an image or video of your staff or location vs. using a stock photo that will likely get overlooked.

You should also use relevant hashtags in your posts, such as #hiring, #jobsin[yourlocation] and/or #[yourlocation] to help make your post easier to find for those who are searching.

Consider posting these types of content to local employment groups on social media or social media groups for job seekers in your area as well, so you can reach individuals who may be actively or passively looking for opportunities. You can also monitor these groups to see what other employers are posting so you can make your content stand out.


Boost hiring-related posts from your page or run ad campaigns to promote your open positions to a broader audience of individuals who may not follow you.

Select “employment” as the special category to ensure your boost or ad will get approved. Facebook has specific requirements on whom you can target in employment-related boosts and ads, so keep that in mind when creating your content.

For instance, employment-related boosts and ads may not target by age or gender. You will only have the option to reach all individuals ages 18-65+. In addition, you can only target people “living in or recently in” a 15-mile or wider radius of your desired location (e.g., city, address or dropped pin). You may not exclude locations nor target by zip code.

There are also limited interests, which are related to employment, such as “job,” job hunting” and “employment.” You will not have access to Facebook’s broad selection of interests, demographics or behaviors.

Select the appropriate call-to-action button for your boost or ad (e.g., learn more) and make sure to include a relevant destination URL. In other words, use a link to a page that talks about careers or open positions and avoid using generic URLs like your home page.

If you opt to boost a post from your page, you will not have the option to edit the post text or media after you submit the boost. If you want to make changes, you would need to create an entirely new post and launch a new boost.

A true ad campaign, on the other hand, gives you access to additional features. For example, you can create multiple, editable ads that are not visible in your company’s feed, which is ideal if you’d like to promote multiple individual positions without overloading your followers with hiring-related content.


Leverage your personal and business networks to extend your organic (e.g., unpaid) reach. For instance, you can share job posts on your own Facebook profile or create a referral program that encourages your current teammates to share hiring-related posts. This will help you reach their friends or friends-of-friends without additional costs.

Similarly, you can ask organizations you’re involved in, such as your local hotel and lodging association or hospitality group, to share your hiring posts on their Facebook channels. They may even have resources you can use to help improve your posts or point you in the right direction, such as job listing templates or graphics you can edit.