How to Develop a Messaging Strategy for Your Tech Startup


Today’s fast-paced and attention deficit-driven environment has reinforced the idea that companies should keep their messaging short and sweet but still informative.

Your tech startup’s messages are key to reaching your target customer and essential for effective tech PR. Think of it this way: your messages should help convert skeptics (e.g. investors) into supporters and existing supporters to even bigger advocates for your startup.

Here are tips on how to develop a messaging strategy for your tech startup.


When creating your startup marketing campaign, rather than talking about the bells and whistles of your shiny new product, focus on why it matters to your customer. To accomplish this, you need to create messages that are broad and value-based, NOT specific and featured-based.

  • Specific and feature-based message example: “We created an app that delivers organic food through an app that is available on iOS and Android platforms.”
  • Broad and value-based message example: “Our app brings our local community closer to sustainable, fresh and convenient foods.”

With enough practice, you will become a natural at using these key messages when talking about your tech startup. The goal is to not sound rehearsed. Eventually, these talking points should be incorporated into other channels such as press releases, tradeshow materials and social media posts.


If you have the time and budget, then you should test your messages. You may already be conducting focus groups with your beta product. Use the messages during these focus groups to make sure they come across easily while gathering feedback on their efficacy.

You also can test your tech startup PR messages at networking events or conferences you attend. Lastly, try A/B testing your messages with journalists by seeing which version of your pitches works best.