Community Insight: Waunakee, WI

Looking to open a business, propose a development, host an event or promote a product or service in the Village of Waunakee, Wis.? Here is some helpful info:

  • As of 2017, 13,755 people live in Waunakee.
  • The median age is 37.9 years, compared to 35 in 2010.
  • The majority of residents are white (94.4%), followed by Hispanic (4.1%), Asian (1.3%) and African-American (0.8%).
  • The average income for males is $53,912 and for females is $32,555.
  • Between 2012-2016, there were 4,716 households and as of 2016, the median household income was $93,132.
  • More residents own (76.7%) vs. rent (23.3%).
  • Waunakee has seven at-large trustees.
  • In November 2014, Waunakee school district approved a $44.8 million facilities improvement plan.
  • Professional groups include the Waunakee Area Chamber of CommerceWaunakee Neighborhood Connection and Waunakee Professional Women.
  • Notable businesses located in the city include Uniek Plastics, Suttle-Straus, Scientific Protein Laboratories and Endres Manufacturing.
  • Media outlet include The Waunakee Tribune and Waunablog.
  • The Waunakee Community School District has eight percent more high school graduates than the state average.
  • For more detailed information about the city, view its Comprehensive Plan.