How to Communicate to Customers During M&A


According to PwC, the need for effective communication is often overlooked or underestimated in the flurry of activity surrounding a deal. Executing a strong and clear communication strategy is critical to successful integration.

Companies who keep customer experience as a top priority
during an M&A and adopt the customer’s view of the merger as they make important integration decisions, will not only keep current customers but also set the company up for future success.

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How Developers Can Handle Crisis PR


As mentioned in a previous blog post, when developers propose new developments, including commercial, mixed-use or residential, they require immense public relations efforts. PR also is needed when a crisis or incident occurs, as it can help to preserve your brand, reputation and ability to win future projects. 

Here are two examples of how developers handled crisis communications and PR for their developments: 

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How Realtors Can Use YouTube to Market Their Properties


Video marketing can help real estate agents with lead generation, brand awareness and ultimately sales. After all, real estate listings with videos receive 403 percent more inquiries than those without videos, according to QuickSprout.

Here’s how realtors can use YouTube to market their properties.

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