What’s New in Twitter 2022


According to Statista, Twitter’s audience is projected to increase to more than 340 million users by 2024. The platform, which started as a medium to share daily status updates with friends, has quickly morphed into an outlet for users to learn about what’s trending. So much so that 71% of Americans use Twitter to read the news.

Here are three features that are new on Twitter.

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How to Create and Use a LinkedIn Showcase Page


For businesses that want to catch the attention of prospective clients and partners, consider creating a LinkedIn Showcase Page. An extension of your LinkedIn company page, a Showcase Page is a channel for deeper engagement with a highly interested segment of your target audience. 

For example, a consumer electronics store could use a Showcase Page to highlight or promote a particular brand it carries, or a global consulting company could use a Showcase Page to promote its healthcare consulting unit. 

Here is how to create and use a LinkedIn Showcase Page.

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Top Six PR Trends in 2022


There is no question that the public relations industry is still feeling the effects of 2020: shrinking media landscapes and cultural and social issue shifts, as well as the fundamental ways PR professionals work, when they work, where they work and what matters to clients while we work.

In short, PR professionals have had to adapt and evolve the way they do their jobs, and they will continue to in the next year. 

Here are six public relations trends we expect to see in 2022:

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