It’s not a ‘public relations problem’

It’s a disservice to the public relations profession that the phrase “it’s a public relations problem” (or “it’s a public relations nightmare”) has entered our vocabulary as a way to describe a negative situation with an individual or a company.

When you have a leaky faucet, it’s not the plumber’s problem. When you have a rodent or insect infestation, it’s not the exterminator’s problem. In all these cases and more, it’s YOUR problem. The plumber, exterminator, etc. can help you out of your jam.

Public relations practitioners work with internal and external publics to help a person or company. Having those relationships are why we are called upon to “fix” problems, both privateĀ and public. This may mean reaching out to shareholders, the board of directors, regulatory commissions, customers, vendors and many more.

Crisis communications also fits under the PR umbrella. This area includes assessing and prioritizing potential threats, drafting Q&A, training spokespersons and developing a plan to contain and counteract the situation.

So next time something bad happens with a company or individual, remember that it’s their problem.