The Importance of Restaurant Communications


David’s Jamaican, a restaurant in Monona, Wis., was planning to move to a new location. However, it didn’t announce the move to customers, and when the restaurant temporarily closed, many people thought it had suddenly closed for good.

On top of that, when the restaurant did finally reemerge in the new location, it didn’t bother to announce that it had reopened.

All the confusion, worry and speculation could have been avoided had the restaurant communicated its plans. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you plan to move your restaurant.


Promote your plans to move as far in advance as possible and use as many touch points as you can. This includes in-house tactics such as flyers or table tents as well as external efforts like issuing a press release or advertising your move.

In addition, you should publish an easy-to-find announcement on your website outlining where the new restaurant location will be, when it will open and how long you will be closed in the interim (if at all). Consider creating a landing page dedicated to the move and incorporate additional details and updates, such as features of the new location or images of your progress. Include directions to your new location as well.

Social media is perhaps the most effective way to get the word out to your existing customer base. Post updates and announcements on all of your channels regularly. Similarly, relocation-related news should be incorporated in your newsletters or blog posts.

If you communicate with customers via email, consider adding a tagline toward the bottom of your email stating that you’re moving. Include the address of the new location and the date of the move.


Don’t expect customers to magically find you at your new location.

Once your restaurant is ready to open in its new spot, you will need to update your online listings so customers know where to find you. These include your website, social media accounts, Google My Business, dining guides and all review sites. Keep in mind that it may take a few days for some sites (like TripAdvisor) to update your address.

Send out a press release once your new location is up and running, and make corresponding announcements on your social media accounts. Depending on your budget, you may want to add direct mail and place ads in the local media to enhance your efforts.

Consider hosting a grand opening event to help celebrate your milestone. Invite loyal patrons and residents of the new area to check out your new space. Similarly, offer incentives for individuals to visit your new location. For example, you could offer an opening week special to help attract new customers.